Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

Samir and his team were such a pleasure to work with! They were extremely knowledgeable and made our refinance process so easy. Highly recommend Horizon Home Mortgage in Windsor!!!


We loved working with Samir. He came through for us when we hit walls with other brokers and we landed the home of our dreams. We are so thrilled with what he was able to work out for us.


We were referred to one of Horizons mortgage brokers, Lori Cassone by our realtor Jessica Martin to help us find the best financing fit for purchasing our new home earlier this year. There were many challenges due to our cross country relocation and finding new employment, etc. It became apparent from our first conversation on that Lori was a true professional and an expert problem solver. Her patience, candor, work ethic, communication, and resources helped us navigate a complicated process in a short amount of time and left no doubt that we were in the best possible hands. Lori worked seamlessly with lenders, our realtor, and attorney to ensure the process went smooth. She also tirelessly fielded all of our questions about all our options along the way. We cannot recommend Lori and her team strongly enough!

James Muckinhaupt


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